Digital Agriculture - GeoKRISHI (www.geokrishi.farm)
GeoKRISHI takes an integrated systems approach covering different agricultural stages (planning, preparation, growing, harvesting and post-harvesting) and of value chain through co-design of intelligent tools and business services in participatory approaches. This tool helps to identify pocket areas for planning. Additionally it provides tools for growing phase of agricultural stages. This includes, crop disease detection, fertilizer calculator, feed calculator, call center and other agriculture advisory center. It also includes tools to make agricultural cooperatives with tools to estimate crop production and market chain. As per priority set by local needs GeoKRISHI establishes customized information center(s) and build capacities of farmers cooperatives, private & public service provider to deliver agriculture extension, both as embedded services as well as standalone businesses. GeoKRISHI’s strategy is to harness the potential of digital technologies for agriculture sector. The GeoKRISHI team and associated actors are working to inculcate a culture of data-driven solution that translate data into actionable, timely and context-specific information for smallholder farmers.
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